
Before my son left for his deployment in Afghanistan, I gave him a Heartwood compass. One day, while out on patrol, he and his fellow soldiers became lost. To further...

I’ve found that Heartwood secret boxes are a great way to store small parts that I don’t want to get lost. Things like nuts, screws, bolts and especially X-Acto knife...

About 30 years ago, I purchased a secret box on Cape Cod, MA and have used it on a daily basis ever since to carry my medication. Last summer, I...

I’ve always had a close relationship with my doctors. I’m the kind of person that can chat up almost anyone and I’m also the kind that always has various items...

The smell of teak wood always brings me back to that day. It was the early 80s and I was with my family in a wood merchant’s store in Illinois....

After the birth of our son, my wife and I clipped a small lock of his hair and placed it in one of your secret boxes to be kept along...